Membership Classes



(*Amended by 58th BOA at Shanghai, P.R.CHINA 2009)
Membership shall be in four classes- Executive, Ordinary, Honorary and Affiliate.

  1. Executive Member status (voting) shall be granted to only one nationally packaging organization which is recognized or recommended by economic administration department in each country within the geographical areas defined in Article 1 which has agreed to abide by the APF Statutes and has been admitted to APF in accordance with its Statutes. However, should the country population exceed one billion and three hundred million, the consideration of two executive members with voting right is allowed provided that the second member represents the national body in packaging related business.
  2. Ordinary Member status (non-voting) may be granted to corporate champion, selective enterprises, relevant organizations, or local packaging trade organizations from packaging industry of Asian countries.
  3. Affiliate Member status (non-voting) may be granted to all other international, professional or Industrial organization representing a non-Asian country, largely concerned with, interested in or working on packaging and allied problems, subject to their agreement to abide by APF Statutes and their admittance will be in accordance with its Statutes
  4. Honorary Member status (non-voting) may be granted to an individual who has given distinguished service to the APF and bas been commended by the Board and accepted by the General Assembly.

New Executive Members will be admitted by the Board of Administration subject to ratification at the next General Assembly by the voting members and shall require, as a minimum two-thirds of the votes of members present.

New Ordinary Member will be admitted by APF Secretariat under the condition that there is no objection from Executive member from the same country.

New Affiliate Member will be admitted by APF Secretariat.

Suspension or expulsion from membership may be recommended by the Board of Administration but shall be subject to ratification by the General Assembly with a minimum of two-thirds of the voting members present voting in favor thereof.

Withdrawal from membership of APE must be notified to the Secretary General at least six months before the following General Assembly. Membership fees paid will not be refunded.

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